Saturday, June 25, 2011

Busy Summer

It has been a busy summer, even though we are just a few days into the season. The kids have had a couple of "graduations" over the past few weeks. We are finally moving into our own home after too many years of renting apartments. In anticipation of that auspicious event, we graduated the kids out of their cribs and into little-people beds. Here Robert is helping Bob assemble his bed.

Sammy took to the bed immediately. In fact, she picked them out at the store a couple of weeks earlier by hopping into the display bed and cuddling under its sheets.

Robert and Samantha graduated, "Moved Up" as they say, from daycare on Wednesday and we took them for their first visit to the Bronx Zoo.

Aunt Deana and cousins Matthew and Emily are visiting today from Arizona and we hope to go out and enjoy the summer sunshine. That's it for now. Stay healthy.

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