Sunday, August 8, 2010

Summer 2010

It's already August. Where did the summer go?

The kids are growing fast. They can go to and fro daycare on foot, without having to ride in the stroller. They walk together and hold our hands and even get into their car seats on their own (at least 50% of the time!). Samantha is quite the linguist; she loves to read and sing. She's even beginning to argue logically. If you ask her why she did something, she'll begin her response with "because."

Robert is coming along too. A little less vocal, since Sammy does all the talking. Poor boy can't get a word in edge-wise. Here are some pictures from August.

Robert getting into the swing at the local park.

"Gimme that stick" One always wants what the other one has

Donna thought it was time they carry their own stuff into daycare. Bob was skeptical, but it turns out they both love their new rolling backpacks

Robert had to have a Thomas backpack.

Fun with an electronic flash

Enjoy the rest of the summer.

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