Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stop Motion Living Room

Stop Motion Living Room from Robert Kerner on Vimeo.

Here's a  short stop-motion film we made in the living room yesterday since it was raining cats & dogs and we couldn't go out. This is the same type of filming used in clay-mation movies.

We continue to be astonished by their development. Robert is learning to be helpful. The other day, Bob was looking for some missing bottles and Robert got on his hands and knees and looked under the couch and television stand. When he found the first bottle, he stood up and pointed to it. He did the same for the second. He's also very good at finding lost shoes.

Sammy, on the other hand, is learning to be mischievous. She now can run and hide from us when she wants to. The other nights she systematically threw most of her toys over one of the safety fences we have in the living room. When Bob asked her (not expecting a response) to "put that stuff back," she went to the other side of the fence and proceeded to throw it all back to the other side.

We're spending the weekend analyzing whether it's safe to have a Christmas tree in the living room

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