Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We are introducing the concept of toileting to our kids. When it's time for a diaper change, we ask "Who needs to use the toilet?" and escort them to the bathroom. The ritual is pretty straightforward: we have a changing cushion on the floor and then have them step onto a small step stool to wash their hands in the sink. Sometimes they even flush the toilet.

This afternoon, Bob was home with the twins since it was "staff development day" at the daycare center; in other words, the center  was closed for Election Day. Bob was doing chores when he realized it was very quiet in the living room. Quiet isn't usually a good sign. When he went to investigate, he found Robert sitting in front of the t.v. but no Sammy.

No Sammy in the living room. No Sammy in the dining room. No Sammy in the kitchen either. Only one room left, the bathroom. And there she was, sitting quietly in the sink, inspecting the items that are normally out of her view.

Unfortunately, she skipped the diaper step and went directly to the hand washing step.

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