Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Blast From The Past

One of the challenges parents face is keeping up with hundreds of pictures of their kids. We're no different. We try our best to share the best images and videos electronically through email or this blog but, every so often, something falls through the cracks. The film below is a good example.

"Grandparents Visit 2008" was filmed when the children were just a couple of months old. This was their first time seeing Nana and Pop Pop (Ron & Barbara), during their visit to New York for their 50th anniversary celebration. The film sat around for a long time in an unused camera. A year has passed and it's time to take a look.

It's amazing to compare this footage, where they are so tiny and helpless, to the footage in the preceding post. Enjoy.

Grandparents Visit 2008 from Robert Kerner on Vimeo.

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