We never made it to our Arizona vacation. The helpful crew at Jet Blue deleted our reservations the night before the flight. When we arrived at JFK for departure, they politely informed us that our seats had been re-sold and they were overbooked. So they re-booked us for Monday December 27, the day of the blizzard. Needless to say, we didn't fly that day or at all.
We are sharing this highlights reel from Halloween and early December. This was Sam and Robert's first meaningful Halloween, and they got to share it with their aunt, uncle and cousins just before they moved. The people in the neighborhood were very welcoming to blue-haired strangers.
The remaining footage is representative of a typical weekend morning. Preparation of dad's coffee is the main attraction of the morning.
Enjoy. We'll have some Christmas and blizzard footage in a few days.
Bob, Donna, Sammy and Robert