Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trip to the Petting Zoo

White Post Farms from Robert Kerner on Vimeo.

We took Robert and Samantha to the local petting zoo, White Post Farms, yesterday. It's a charming place, with a wide assortment of animals in pens waiting to be fed and petted. What strikes you immediately upon entering, besides the price for a family of four, is just how noisy animals can be. Particularly goats and deer. Deer! We never knew deer made noise to begin with. At first Bob thought it was a recording, but it's actually the critters making the noise. Maybe there's caffeine in the milk bottles.

As you'll see in the film, the racket was a little overwhelming for one member of the posse. Thankfully, she cheered up when we made our way to the train. We were pleasantly surprised by how well both kids did with the pony ride. You can see Sam pretending to gallop on the pony, a sight that caused other parents to laugh. A very respectable first pony ride for two-year-olds.

All in all, it's a nice place. Worth visiting if you're near the Nassau-Suffolk border.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Daycare Birthday Party

Daycare Birthday Party from Robert Kerner on Vimeo.

Double feature today! Here is footage from Samantha and Robert's birthday party at their daycare center.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hello Store

Hello Store from Robert Kerner on Vimeo.

It has been a long time since we shared an update on the kids. We've all been very busy and haven't had much time to edit footage to make the films. Here's a short film about our visit to the supermarket this afternoon. The kids absolutely love shopping with us and we think you can see it on their faces.